Saturday, 16 October 2010

ICOMOS Conference on Buildings Archaeology

I am presenting at a conference in November, commenting on the processes involved in Buildings Archaeology in the UK. Further information and a programme is available on line here, and the presented paper will be available in a forthcoming ICOMOS publication.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Article on Calton Hill in Edinburgh Life

I have recently contributed to edition 5 of Edinburgh life magazine - A local magazine celebrating all that is Edinburgh - its history, culture and cityscape. Issues should be available in the shops in the Autumn, and after that will be available online at

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Death Commemoration and Memory: An Exploration of Representation, Concept and Change

A two-day conference is planned in Edinburgh for Thursday 24th and Friday 25th June 2010.

This is to provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussion on the themes of Death, Commemoration and Memory and to create new networks between researchers with similar interests throughout the academic community, from a variety of disciplines and academic institutions.

Further information can be found at: